WinVer 1.0 Copyright (c) 1992, Costas Kitsos CompuServe Mail: 73667,1755 WinVer stamps Windows EXEs or DLLs with the required Windows version lifting the requirement for stamping them with RC.EXE. WinVer requires Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher. Using WinVer: 1. Start WinVer. 2. Locate the EXE or DLL directory. 3. Click on the appropriate File Type to select EXE or DLL. 4. Click on the appropriate Option Button for Windows v3.1 or Windows v3.0. If you select "Version 3.1" then WinVer will mark the file so that it will run under Windows 3.1. If you select "Version 3.0" WinVer will mark the file so that it will run with Windows version 3.0 or Windows version 3.1. 5. Highlight the EXE or DLL you want to stamp and double-click on the filename or click on "Update". WinVer will ask you for confirmation and proceed to mark the file. WinVer makes a backup of the original. EXEs are given the extension of EX$ and DLLs are given the extension of DL$. WinVer verifies the file as a Windows EXE before stamping it with the required Windows version. In case of error the original is not replaced with the newer version. 6. To view the current executable's stamp, highlight the EXE or DLL and click on File Info. The archive includes the TPW source for WinVer. If you make any improvements send me a copy through CIS mail at 73667,1755. Enjoy! Costas Kitsos July 4, 1992